My Faith Sustains Me:
- by remaining unchanged in a world of constant flux. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8, NIV1984)
What a great reminder that when the world around us seems to change faster than we can keep up with, our Savior, Jesus Christ, is always the same. Who he is, what he is, and how he loves and cares for us will never change. He is the one thing in our life that we can count on always being there with us and for us in exactly the same way.
- by opening my eyes to its manifestations around me. "... faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, 'You have faith; I have deeds.' Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do." (James 2:17-18, NIV1984)
James reminds us that Faith, the kind that saves, is not just a belief in a truth but the application of that truth in every aspect of our life. Faith should motivate us to be and act differently. Seeing people around us act according to their faith encourages me to do the same. Faith changes people.
- by giving me what I need when I need it. "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19, NIV1984)
It is faith that allows us to get up and do one more day when we do not feel like it. It is the belief that when this tough time has past, it will be worth it on the other side of the challenge because God has promised to use it for his purposes in my life through his good pleasing and perfect will.
When we are weak, He is right there to give us strength; when we are discouraged, He is right there to give us encouragement; when we are unsettled; He is right there to give us peace; when we are tired; He is right there to give us rest. Faith shows us where to go for what we need if we will but go to Him.
Thank you for the reminder Tara.
When we are weak, He is right there to give us strength; when we are discouraged, He is right there to give us encouragement; when we are unsettled; He is right there to give us peace; when we are tired; He is right there to give us rest. Faith shows us where to go for what we need if we will but go to Him.
Thank you for the reminder Tara.