Thursday, December 1, 2011

Speaking the Unspeakable" by Kim Sawyer

WOW!  This was a great presentation.

"Build a resource of your relationships; that will be your greatest asset."

"The only meaning that is important in a communication is the meaning discerned by the listener."

It is my job as the initiator to make sure the receiver understood my communication -- it is NOT theirs.

Leadership Communication -- making sure that I have understood the intended meaning of the initiator by asking questions and giving feedback.

Kim recommended reading the article "Sensitivities" in the Harvard Business Journal/Review.

Most communications fail because of the lack of feedback; because it is not allowed, not received, or not considered to be important.  Communication is NOT a monolog.

5-Step Communication
  1. EMOTIONS - feelings at this moment
  2. DATA - facts of the situation
  3. JUDGMENTS - perceptions/evaluations made of you & situation
  4. MY PART - my issues & contributions
  5. COMMITMENTS & REQUESTS - for change -- 832-298-0143

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